Linggo, Marso 9, 2014

My Reflection

          This fourth grading period  was not easy for me, because I cant understand most of our lessons, mostly in Math cause I’m not hat good in Math. But that never stopped me from striving hard to get closer to fulfilling my dream. I studied hard I focused in every lesson we have. And now I’m nearly graduating and nothing can stop me from achieving my goal.

Kannawidan Festival

          Festival, is a series of events like musical concerts or drama production. Everywhere in the world they have their own festivals. Us Filipinos even have our own festivals.
          Here in Vigan we also have our festival, like the Kannawidan Fastival.  This festival starts at the 29th of January until the 3rd of  February. Kannawidan festival was also an occasion to strengthen the Ilocano culture. Recognize Ilocos Sur's sons and daughters who brought honor to their province, celebrated abundant harvest just to celebrate the Ilocano spirit .
          Festivals are the only thing that the culture of a place to be recognized and remembered. Tradition was also found in the culinary treats that residents prepared including delicacies.

Change, It starts with you

          Change, the thing that we see that something or someone from what it is or what they  are from before. And we have to make the best of ourselves.
          Changing is a part of life, and its what you do that makes you better. I change myself then but I became worst from what I was. So now I learned my lesson to make me much better then yesterday to become a good role model to the children and to other people.
          Good, bad there no difference we’re all human. But no bodies born perfect. We all have our differences so remember to think before you speak, cause what you’ll say might hurt someones fillings
My Dream, My Future

          Dreams, things that we want to achieve and become in the future. But how era we gonna make it happen? What are we gonna do?
          My dream is to become a police ane day. So I’ll study hard to fullfil my dream. Even though I have to face more challenges than before, that’s not gonna stop me from fullfiling my dream. I say that iff you want to achieve something there are many ways, but if you don’t there are many reasons.
          This is the only thing that I can do to thank my parent for their sacrifice for me. And to my friends who helped me during my hard times this is what I can do to make them proud of me.

New Year, New ME

                Every year we make our list if resolutions. Filled with things we want to change and things we want to achieve. But the question is how. And how can we make it happen.
          We make it happen by being strong so we can face every challenge. We need to believe in ourselves so we can overcome every problems. And most of all we need to have faith in God, because we cant face our problems alone. We all need help no matter how strong we are. But not  just in God, we also have our family and friends to help us.
          Being a better person is one thing that you can say that you are strong. But even better if we can make ourselves batter than yesterday every day.

Lunes, Enero 13, 2014


          Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of the weather. It is caused by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Human activities have also been identified as significant causes of climate changes.
            Climate change this can affect the weather and may cause major trouble. This can cause typhoons, El Niño , and La Niña . This has even caused us many problems. Around the globe, seasons are shifting, temperatures are climbing and sea levels are rising. And meanwhile, our planet must still supply us, and all living things with air, water, food and safe places to live. If   we can’t stop this now maybe there will be no place for our children, grandchildren and their children to stay anymore so we have to act now.
            We can stop this if we act and tell everybody so that we can help together and act together for the sake of our mother Earth. This must be done so we can live longer, better and happier than ever so in the future we can enjoy it with our family.

Lunes, Enero 6, 2014

Essence of Christmas

          Christmas, this is the day that our savior Jesus Christ was born. This is at the 25th of December. And we celebrate it only once a year. And this is the day of giving and forgiving. Because on this day we should be joyful and at peace.
          The essence of Christmas is love and caring for one another. And forget all bad things that we’ve done to others and to ourselves. This the time when we make peace to everyone but not only in Christmas but should be every day. And during Christmas day we hang up different kinds of decorations like lanterns, Christmas lights and even put up Christmas trees. And before Christmas some go caroling in their neighborhood.
          Loving and caring, this is the essence of Christmas for me because we forgive and give instead of receiving gifts we should give some help to the need.
My Reflection

                This third grading period was not easy for me. I had a lot of challenges coming, but I didn’t give up I just did the best that I can to surpass those challenges. One of those challenges was again my subject Math, because I’m not that good in Math. And sometimes I don’t listen to my teacher’s discussion. So I tried to listen to understand our lessons. So I hope that my effort would not be in vain, because I don’t want to let my parents down. I want them to be proud of me, and this the only thing I can do to thank them for all that they’ve done for me.